ReRoot Your Habits for Good

My role as a Health Coach is not to give you a formula and send you on your way. It is to have an active conversation that helps you recognize your strengths, set achievable goals and understand what motivates you to change for the long term.

Set SMART Goals

Find What Motivates You

Create a Clear Pathway

Implement Better Habits

How Can I Help?

Motivation, Goal Setting, and Finding Direction 

Weight Loss & Sticking to an Exercise Program

Healthy Eating Patterns

Sleep Hygeine

Social Media & Gaming Addicition

4 Week Health Coaching Program

$ 350
  • Currently offering by-donation!
  • Establish a Goal
  • Implement New Habits
  • Stay Accountable
  • Find Motivation

What is a Health Coach?

“Just as a sports coach can help an athlete develop and excel at a sport, a health and wellness coach can help anyone excel at living their life, even — or especially — if they have chronic medical conditions. The coaching process is similar to talk therapy in that it involves two people discussing ideas and issues, but it is different in that the person who is being coached is in the driver’s seat, creating their goals as well as the strategies on how to arrive at these goals.”

Peter Grinspoon, MD, Instructor at Harvard Medical School